EQ Audio Mastering Tutorial Final Word

EQ’s may differ in their looks and controls, but essentially they all perform the same job of boosting or reducing specific bands of frequencies.

The technique demonstrated in this chapter works great using Logic’s Linear Phase EQ. However, it might not work so smoothly on all EQ’s but the principle remains the same; boosting an area of frequencies can help you distinguish the problems happening in that particular area.

By now you should be starting to understand the purpose behind the whole mastering process. Through the use of EQ, we can literally mould a reliable shape into the tone of the music, enabling it to sound balanced and correct no matter where it is finally played.

This bring us to the end of the EQ chapter. The next chapter will explore the use of compression and limiting – extremely important tools in shaping a track for good translation to the consumer’s player.

Next page… Dynamics Processing Mastering Tutorial – Index